One of Morning Star’s core goals is “to support parents in their God-given responsibility to educate their children.” We believe if God is calling your family to Morning Star Academy, he will provide the means! Over half of our families receive financial assistance, and our financial aid program is made possible by generous donors.
An ESA (Education SavingS Account) is a state-supervised spending account for parents containing a student’s educational funds in grades K-12. Parents are responsible for managing the student’s funds which may be used to cover tuition, fees, and other qualified education expenses at accredited private schools in Iowa.
2025-26 ESA Application Timeline
ESA applications will be open from April 16 to June 30. Look for more information to be coming out from the Iowa Department of Education in the next few weeks. We will be sure to share any important updates and information as we receive it!
Qualifications for the 25-26 school year for ESAs include:
All incoming Full-Time Iowa students
Follow these links for more ESA information from the Iowa Department of Education